
Automates the tedious task of notifying families of Free and Reduced application or Income survey eligibilities through electronic means.

It eliminates the creation of paper letters and mailing campaigns and reduces labor saving time and money. Parents and Guardians can receive an email notification when their lunch application status is ready or lookup eligibility and pull up their notification letter via any internet connected device 24/7.

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How does Nutri-Status Work?

After a free and reduced application or income form is completed by parents or guardians the application is processed at the school district level. Once all requirements are met, and eligibility determination is complete, a notification via email is sent to the email address provided on the application or form. The email will contain a secure link to view eligibility status as well as an option to print an eligibility letter customized by the school district. This link can be accessed at any time by the parent avoiding phone calls to your staff.


  • Reduced labor, printing, mailing and postage expenses

  • Reduced returned mail to sort through

  • Same day notification turnaround time

  • Accessible online 24/7

  • Reduction in parent phone calls looking for eligibility status

  • Works seamlessly with Nutri-Cloud and Nutri-Form


  • Quick and Easy Email Notification of Eligibility for Parents

  • Dashboard and Reports to keep track of Letters Successfully Sent, Opened, Clicked, or Failed

  • Customizable Letters for Each Status, Free, Reduced, Denied, DC Free and DC Reduced

  • Ability to have a letter in either English or Spanish

  • Don’t want emails sent? Parents can search for Eligibility letters with Set Criteria

  • Ability to send Bulk email option to all parents or parents of students with Temporary Statuses

  • Provide electronic letter to parents for other benefits such as internet fee benefits

  • Seamless integration with Nutri-Cloud or Nutri-Form applications

Full List of Features